Buzinezzclub: ecosystem to offer underpriviliged youngsters a wealth of opportunities
Through his programmes Leo van Loon has trained and personally coached over 1.000 youngsters in starting up their own companies, garnering a great many successes. This eventually led to the launch of a special startup programme and ecosystem for dropouts, named “Buzinezzclub”, that focused on furthering PopVox’s vision by supporting youths that would otherwise lack access to the finance, coaching and network possibilities necessary for their success in becoming self-sufficient entrepreneurs.
By offering this infrastructure to the participants, the Buzinezzclub ecosystem successfully brings youngsters out of welfare and into their own company, education, or career that suits them and their ambitions. This infrastructure is offered multi-annually, and extended both by paid professionals and volunteers. As of 2015, Buzinezzclub operates in three cities in the Netherlands and is coaching over 280 youngsters with its team of 14 paid staff and over 200 volunteer coaches. In everyday life these coaches are professionals and entrepreneurs.
The Buzinezzclub has the ambition to expand into 10 cities to transform the lives of a 1.000 youngsters each year. Leo van Loon: ‘The Buzinezzclub is amazing because you literally see the youngsters grow.’
An alliance of City Administrations, ABN AMRO, Rabobank, Olympia & Randstad.
Concept and management by PopVox, directorship Leo van Loon.
A publication on five years of Buzinezzclub can be found here.